Monday, November 28, 2005

CNN - Huge growth for tech in health sector

CNN - Traditionally, IT has been used within healthcare mainly for back-office functions, such as billing and hospital admissions.

The big prize, however, lies in incorporating IT into patient treatment via a process known as "clinical decision support" that can guide physicians through their options.

"We have a long way to go in healthcare. We are bound by paper, and paper is not working," Mark Dente, director of GE's Healthcare Solutions division, told the Kepler Equities conference.

- Read more

This sector is where I'm going to be spending my time. I'm doing IT work with four clinics with one of the local county government agencies.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 21, 2005

What is that planet in the night sky?

I'm interested in astronomy, not really too much into it but I like to know what I'm looking at when I see something bright in the sky.

I found the following interesting web sites:

I"ll post more if when I find them.
- Bill

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Still working with Novell Technologies... and then some.

So.. I got laid off... now what am I keeping busy with you ask?

I am very lucky. Immediately after being laid off I started people networking with all my former contacts and customers . I am very happy I was transferred from one of the Novell Main offices in Utah three years ago. Being one of the few Novell employees here in Denver instead of one of the many in Utah helped. That was actually part of the plan. I saw the turbulance ahead for Novell early on. I communicated to my boss that I would love to start working as a field engineer in Denver which is where I grew up. I knew that I would meet lots of Novell customers (not as many as I had hoped) and I would start a relationship.

It's word of mouth that got me where I am presently. I'm an independant consultant and I have one main customer and one on the side. I've signed a contract for the next year working with one of the Colorado State Agencies. I get to work with an important Novell customer with eDirectory, NetWare, GroupWise, and even SuSE Linux with SLES9. So all the things I was working with before I am still working on now. However now I don't get bombarded with phone calls and I actually get to work on projects. I'm even working with Microsoft Networking and other technologies which is great for me.

Life is still great! I do miss my old job, but I'm definately keeping busy!
- Bill

Monday, November 07, 2005

There is life after being laid off...

Almost two months ago I was laid off from Novell after 15 years! Being laid off after that long is kind of like breaking up with a girlfriend or even getting divorced. The girl no longer seems to need you and it can be a shock. However a couple of things helped tremendously from really going into super shock for me.

1. My Dad passed away a month after I got laid off. I know what you're saying - wow, too devistating blows! But actually it helped me get my mind off the shock of being laid off and helped me put things into proper perspective. I mean this is just a job. There are other jobs out there. What is really important? It's family! It's relationships!

2. I just got into my second marriage three years ago and it still feels like a honeymoon. So I'm very happy and I think it shows. I feel my job performance was at my peak. I mean I feel like I had a spring in my step if you know what I mean. So I can call this - I have my life in balance. I'm happy at home and I was happy at work. So even though I lost one happy, I still have my other happy.

In conclusion, I think if one gets laid off it helps if you keep things in the proper perspective and also if you have a proper balance in your life.

I'm blogging from my phone.

I'm blogging from my phone.