Sunday, April 30, 2006

Salute to Sun's Scott McNealy

Stephan J. Vaughn-Nichols says goodbye to Mr. McNealy.
McNealy wasn't just an industry giant, he changed the IT world forever.

Read the article

But let us not forget, let us never forget, that without Scott McNealy we would have neither the Internet nor the open source that powers so much of it.

Article - Sun's McNealy: IT's Tragicomic Figure

The landscape of IT history is littered with the carcasses of companies that tried to be the one that finally brought down Microsoft: Ray Noorda's Novell, Jim Manzi's Lotus and Philippe Kahn's Borland (Larry Ellison and Oracle are still going strong).

But no one tried harder, or wanted it more, than McNealy. The Sun CEO and co-founder, who stepped away from his role recently, made sticking it to Microsoft his personal Holy Grail.


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