Sunday, October 16, 2005

My Father has passed on.

My Dad, Jack, has passed away peacefully in his sleep with my mom at his side at St Joseph Hospital at 7:30a Sunday Morning. 10/16/05. He was 73. He died of Congestive Heart Failure.

Dad had 5 heart attacks since 1983 and had a very severe heart attack 2 1/2 years ago. He was living on Oxygen and getting around in his weelchair or sometimes could walk from chair to chair.

Last week Dad and I went up to Dillon and spent three days at my brother's Condo and watched the sunset and the lake and had some good conversations. We also went for a couple of drives.

However Last Tuesday morning at 1:30am I brought him and my mom to St Joseph Hospital because my dad was having a hard time breathing. We almost lost him on the way there. Since then he has been mostly sleeping and had heavy doses of morphine. The family was able to gather from Utah and Colorado and say goodbye.

My Dad died with lots of loving family near him. One word to describe my dad - Gentle. He was a very gentle man. My gave me something that money can't buy. His name! I will always live to honor him.


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